Money laundering (open to debate)


Junior Carder
Aug 2018
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When you card, you buy an amazon gift card, you resell on internet and get paid in BTC. Now that you have BTC, you want them in real money, but if you go on Kraken and send directly your money to your bank, they'll ask where the money comes from, you can't send more than $2-3k directly to your bank account or it will be weird. So you need the money in cash. You buy amazon gift cards in BTC (using CryptoMixer) and you ship to your address (yes you can) and you resell the stuff (phones, computers) and ask to be paid in cash, I ask €500 billet and I say this "it's to earn time during the money verification", and you collect money in cash and you can have a decent living, you can buy everything under $1000 in cash etc... You can't have more than $10k on yourself. (it depends of your country). Also you can eat everyday at restaurant etc... Ok but now you need the money on your bank account. So I heard methods like "yes, you open a VPN service and you say you earned $300k like this", "you buy things related to art in cash and you resell them", "you open a carwash service" etc...

The 2 first methods are good, but the third is very hard because they can look (service secrets or police) at the water and electricity you used and it will be hard for you if you use 100L of water whereas you should use 10000L, you'll have to throw them or resell them, think to ecology please...
This is how I see money laundering ^^


May 2018
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Nice share thanks alot man.


Junior Carder
Aug 2018
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I think most people will just earn the living selling the physical items they card.

I know people who just use the things they card, clothes, phones etc.

I think using carded electronics is pretty dangerous.


Junior Carder
Mar 2019
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ok, my fist reply. i spent 7 years in camp fed for 38 counts of money laundering and assorted other financial violations. i have been out for past 7 months living off the spoils of marginal planning but even that must come to and end as the attorneys got most of it in the process and feds used CAFRA to get the real estate holdings. so to the meat of you problem. what you describe is not money laundering. to have money laundering you most possess cash from a violation a set of specific laws called SUA's (Specified Unlawfully Activities) ie drugs, slave trade, etc...

what your are describing will be charged as tax evasion. i escaped that one or i would have been in for another 20. you are hiding income from uncle sam without giving him cut of your ill gotten gain.

to fix your problem and spend your money is what you want to resolve. it may seem crazy but your money is best located in digital form. it is both safe, spendable, and most importantly mobile at the speed of a keystroke. I know you are thinking then they can seize it easily. NO, that's when you have to know how to store it digitally yes crypto is good but don't believe it is anonymous.

so the long awaited answer and this will depend on the quantity of money you are dealing with. this may sound crazy but it works. first get a US passport with your real name from the state department. next get a quality fake passport from any of the central or south americas in the same name. next travel to the carribean and open an account with the fake passport in any one of small banks linked to the caribbean banking group. You can open a personal account or better open a business account ($125US for paperwork and tax ID). (open two accounts one US currency and one local currency). then deposit a few thousand in cash into account. return to the US. (You can show your US Passport along with your fake to sure up your position but state you are a citizen of the fake passport's country.) Make sure they don't have you file out any US IRS forms.

your new account is now safe from uncle sam so lets get some money into it. you can wire deposit whatever amount per day into the account just don't take it out for several months or in short intervals as lump sums. keep it a safe haven.

so moving the money from your digital cashout to the clean off shore bank is the next issue. link your cashout account to a crypoto market. buy all btc, transfer btc to MIXER then to one clean btc address. send clean crypto to you carribean bank (Banco Masventas, Fidor Bank, etc) all accept crypto BTC.

this method works but i am not sure if you are really seeing enough to make it worth the effort. I am trying to learn your world so i can make it enough to bridge that gap to carding master.

you can carry greater than $10k on your person it is not illegal but in the US it is and becoming more difficult to deposit cash into banks even if your the account holder.


Junior Carder
May 2020
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ok, my fist reply. i spent 7 years in camp fed for 38 counts of money laundering and assorted other financial violations. i have been out for past 7 months living off the spoils of marginal planning but even that must come to and end as the attorneys got most of it in the process and feds used CAFRA to get the real estate holdings. so to the meat of you problem. what you describe is not money laundering. to have money laundering you most possess cash from a violation a set of specific laws called SUA's (Specified Unlawfully Activities) ie drugs, slave trade, etc...

what your are describing will be charged as tax evasion. i escaped that one or i would have been in for another 20. you are hiding income from uncle sam without giving him cut of your ill gotten gain.

to fix your problem and spend your money is what you want to resolve. it may seem crazy but your money is best located in digital form. it is both safe, spendable, and most importantly mobile at the speed of a keystroke. I know you are thinking then they can seize it easily. NO, that's when you have to know how to store it digitally yes crypto is good but don't believe it is anonymous.

so the long awaited answer and this will depend on the quantity of money you are dealing with. this may sound crazy but it works. first get a US passport with your real name from the state department. next get a quality fake passport from any of the central or south americas in the same name. next travel to the carribean and open an account with the fake passport in any one of small banks linked to the caribbean banking group. You can open a personal account or better open a business account ($125US for paperwork and tax ID). (open two accounts one US currency and one local currency). then deposit a few thousand in cash into account. return to the US. (You can show your US Passport along with your fake to sure up your position but state you are a citizen of the fake passport's country.) Make sure they don't have you file out any US IRS forms.

your new account is now safe from uncle sam so lets get some money into it. you can wire deposit whatever amount per day into the account just don't take it out for several months or in short intervals as lump sums. keep it a safe haven.

so moving the money from your digital cashout to the clean off shore bank is the next issue. link your cashout account to a crypoto market. buy all btc, transfer btc to MIXER then to one clean btc address. send clean crypto to you carribean bank (Banco Masventas, Fidor Bank, etc) all accept crypto BTC.

this method works but i am not sure if you are really seeing enough to make it worth the effort. I am trying to learn your world so i can make it enough to bridge that gap to carding master.

you can carry greater than $10k on your person it is not illegal but in the US it is and becoming more difficult to deposit cash into banks even if your the account holder.
Hi read your story and I believe you. You seem smart educated and your not like the other people on here . U DONT come across as THIRSTY. DESPERATE or have NO COMMON SENSE . It's a bummer that you had to learn the hard way. Sounds like at one point you were on top of your game and at another time in your life looking at commissary day as if it was Christmas. Don't want to come across rude or disrespectful and you can say no if you want. But I would like to ask you a few questions bc I believe that you would be able to assist me in gaining some more valuable insight Into what I am about to do. I have been working for some time now the courage to do something that will require me to either step it up and just do it and after the amount of income I will get will probably be enough to change my life for a while. Or chicken out and not take the risk and do the 9-5 gig forever. I don't know who to ask about the logistics of my plan. You seem well versed and asking you to help me is a long shot . But I got nothing at this point. Hit me up if u got some time


Junior Carder
Aug 2019
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It's a good time to explore new ways