Wire Checks Tutorial Updated


Junior Carder
Dec 2021
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1• First of all, get a hacked bank login with balance and login into it
2• Click on SERVICES, with some banks, you will see CHECK ORDER boldly written, with some banks too you will see services after u click on settings.
3• Click on Check ReOrder
4• Choose the Checking account
5• it will open u to a third party site where check is ordered from, the advantage here is that the transport fees will be withdrawn from your checking account and they won’t ask for cc or debit card.
6• Click on Start a new order
7• You can choose any of this check designs , any design is good.
8• So you can choose any of this check designs.
9• Now at this point, you will be given the opportunity to edit the check info and put the bank log info on it.
10• When it comes to choosing a Cheque number , you can write any 4 digits number, it can be a random number and you don’t even need to know previous check number on log, just make up any numbers.
11• Now put the Name and Address on the bank login here, if you don’t have that, you can put your client name and Address. Any of them will work.
12• This just optional, so you can choose Any, it a marker which makes the cheque look legit when u take it to the counter for deposit.
13• Now the check has finally being customized with the Bank login info, Time to Ship the check book to the address u want to send the check to
14• The Shipping fees will be subtracted from the bank login info, they won’t even ask for debit card or credit card if u order for the checks this way.
15• This the only verification they will ask for, the DOB and last 4 ssn, then click on Verify information.
16• Final Checkout Stage
17• Check has finally being sent
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