ᖴᖇEᔕᕼ Oᖴᖴ TᕼE ᗷOᗩT ?


Junior Carder
Apr 2022
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Sure enough as you're reading this post, you've come to the frustrating appreciation of the difficulty in starting out in this game. Unlike the good old days where all you needed to make a gateway yield was the proper bin and basic workstation setup, today; in order to make it worth the while, you have to be extra keen on just about every element, and meta detail in your execution flow. And if you've done your thorough research already, you must've noticed the vastness of the information required to even have a clue at proper execution; just having a method, proxy and cc is 40% into it nowadays. Also, the beef up in antifraud systems' robustness, coupled with the ever advancing technology adaptation by online shops and gateways means only the most resilient, and the lucky few who happen upon guidance from the very start get to survive in this game, so to speak.

Hope this post encourages some distraught heart somewhere out there to keep going. Should anyone need assistance starting out or in their execution, I'm open to help, if it's within my power. Just follow me, then reply to this thread, so I can be able to send you a private message. Chin up fellas!