Residential proxies all over the world - no traffic limits [XProxy.Pro]


Junior Carder
May 2020
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Good day to all of you!

We would like to apologize to all participants of the forum for our loss from the radar.
During this time, we have faced a lot of problems related to the political situation, the attacks of the kennel and not only.

Now we are getting back to work, all proxies have been reassembled, the technical support team monitors the work and reacts to the slightest changes in stability.

Someone might have noticed that our telegram account was deleted. Now it has been restored, you can also search for us @xproxypro
The channel and chat will be created soon.

As for the customers who could not use the proxy and bought them - write to us - we will generously compensate the incident on an individual basis.

For new users, there is also good news - write to us in a telegram indicating the nickname on the site and links to this topic - we will give $ 50 to the account, you can buy a tariff for a week or test different locations.

The offer is limited in time, so please contact us as soon as possible. We welcome all customers.

We hope that such incidents will not happen in the future and we will be able to continue to work and give you the opportunity to work!

We wish you all a peaceful sky over your head, take care of yourself!